Top 10 Ways to Annoy Short People

1Get down on your knees and look at them eye-to-eye

2Buy them items (chairs, tables, etc.) designed for kids

3Say, "Can you reach that for me?"

4Say, "How's the weather at that altitude?"

5Dangle something above them if they ask you for something

6Offer them piggyback rides

7Say, "Come here," and when they are halfway there, ask, "Are you tired yet?"

8Put your arm on them like an armrest

9Ask if they need a booster seat when they go to sit down

10Glance around as if you cannot see them when talking to them

11Crane your neck down at them like a flamingo

12Call them short

13Call them an "oversized mouse"

14Call them each of the Seven Dwarfs

15Say, "I can't hear you from all the way down there"

16Pat them on the head

17Pick them up and say, "Now can you touch the top of that doorframe?"

18Call them "fun-sized"

19Put an elf hat on them

20Call them Lucas

21Ask them to get something from a high shelf

22Stand next to them

23Tiptoe over them and bend down, making them bend back

24Tell them their neck must hurt from looking up all day

25Measure them

26Buy them mushrooms

27Walk faster next to them using long strides

28Ask them to hold something taller than them

29Give them a kids' menu at restaurants

30Say, "Where did you go?" when they're standing right in front of you

31Call them a short stack

32Call them Oli

33Call them Oompa Loompa

34Stand next to them and hold your hand above your head to compare heights

35Call them vertically challenged