Top 10 Reasons Why Dovewing is Better Than Ivypool (Warriors)

1She has powers

2She isn't dumb

3She loved Ivypool/paw even when Ivypaw pushed her away

4She doesn't get jealous easily

5She didn't make Firestar lose a life

6Dovewing did something in the first book in OoTS, unlike Ivypool

7Ivypool could be replaced, while Dovewing cannot

8ThunderClan owes Dovewing more

9Ivypool was a terrible spy

10Ivypool didn't believe Dovewing when Dovewing said that something was blocking the lake, but turned into a jealous brat when Dovewing got chosen to check it out

11Ivypool is rude to Dovewing, but Dovewing is actually a great sister

12Dovewing made Shadowsight

13Ivypool got Hollyleaf killed

14Dovewing wanted Ivypool in the prophecy

15Dovewing is kinder and doesn't want to start war

16Dovewing has 0 flaws

17Ivypool never listens

18Without Dovewing confronting her Ivypool could've easily turned evil

19Dovewing kept her personality

20Dovewing never wanted to have powers

21Dovewing whines because her life is stressful while Ivypool complains about not being pampered enough

22Ivypool acted like she could save everyone during the battle with the Dark Forest but barely did anything while Dovewing listened to the Dark Forest