Top 10 Biggest Reasons Why Disney is in Decline

1Forcing Political Correctness in Everything

Forcing Political Correctness in Everything

2Creating Live-Action Remakes of Everything

Creating Live-Action Remakes of Everything

3Being Too Safe and Boring with Their Storytelling

Being Too Safe and Boring with Their Storytelling

4Over-Saturating the MCU

Over-Saturating the MCU

5Ruining the Star Wars Franchise

Ruining the Star Wars Franchise

6Other Film Companies Being More Innovative

Other Film Companies Being More Innovative

7Making Sequels That Nobody Asked For

Making Sequels That Nobody Asked For

8Having Budgeting Problems

Having Budgeting Problems

9Increasing Prices at the Parks

Increasing Prices at the Parks

10Sending Movies Directly to Disney+

Sending Movies Directly to Disney+

11Refusing to Listen to Criticism

12Funding Far-Right Political Campaigns

13Releasing Few Original Movies

14Censoring Old Movies

15Donating $2 Million to Relief Funds for Israel

16Race-Swapping Characters

Race-Swapping Characters

17Failing to Make Good Stories

18Neglecting Good Ideas

19Gender-Swapping Characters

20Thinking They're "Too Big to Fail"

21Including Misandry in Their Movies

22Using Too Much 3D CGI

23Having Sora Included in Smash

Having Sora Included in Smash

24Not Updating Park Attractions

25Making Bad Casting Choices

26Having Characters Enter the Public Domain

Having Characters Enter the Public Domain

27Repeating Storylines

28Not Including Real Villains or Threats in Their Movies

29Characters with Bad Attitudes

30Not Airing Enough Educational Shows on Disney Jr.

31Ruining Artemis Fowl

32Not Varying Their Art Style Between Movies

33Lack of Movies Based on Existing Properties