Top 10 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History

1Tombstone Piledriver - The Undertaker

2RKO - Randy Orton

3Stone Cold Stunner - Steve Austin

4Attitude Adjustment - John Cena

5F-5 - Brock Lesnar

6Sweet Chin Music - Shawn Michaels

7Rock Bottom - The Rock

8Pedigree - Triple H

9619 - Rey Mysterio

10Swanton Bomb - Jeff Hardy

11Go to Sleep - CM Punk

12Chokeslam - Kane

13Spear - Bill Goldberg

14Batista Bomb - Batista

15Spear - Edge

16Trouble in Paradise - Kofi Kingston

17S.O.S. - Kofi Kingston

18Curb Stomp - Seth Rollins

19Spear - Roman Reigns

20Saxtonation - Byron Saxton

21Claymore - Drew McIntyre

22Brogue Kick - Sheamus

23Walls of Jericho - Chris Jericho

24S.T.F. - John Cena

25Jackhammer - Bill Goldberg

26Master Lock - Chris Masters

27Airborne - Evan Bourne

28Frog Splash - Eddie Guerrero

29Cobra - Santino Marella

30Last Ride - The Undertaker

31Twist of Fate - Matt Hardy

32619 West Coast Pop - Rey Mysterio

33Hell's Gate - The Undertaker

34The People's Elbow - The Rock

35Flying Elbow Drop - "Macho Man" Randy Savage