Top 10 Worst Things About Being the Oldest Sibling

1Just because they're younger,they're innocent

Just because they

2Your parents use you as the "test dummy" for things

3They learn how to be a proper parent for the younger siblings, but are still learning from you

4They get scared of milestones (puberty, graduation, moving out, etc.) with their oldest child, but know what to expect for the younger siblings

They get scared of milestones (puberty, graduation, moving out, etc.) with their oldest child, but know what to expect for the younger siblings

5Your stuff isn't treated as yours

Your stuff isn

6You pay for all damages to your things, but your sibling doesn't

You pay for all damages to your things, but your sibling doesn

7Your siblings don't have to share their stuff, but you need to share everything

8There is always a reason why you are bad, but never for your sibling.

9Siblings get everything they ask for. You need to pay for everything you want, and your sibling's presents.

10If you lay one finger on your younger sibling, your parents will go crazily mad, but if your younger sibling beats you up, they don't care and they blame you for self-defense

11When it is Christmas, your siblings get everything they ever dreamed of, and you get a few stocking stuffers from the dollar store

When it is Christmas, your siblings get everything they ever dreamed of, and you get a few stocking stuffers from the dollar store

12Your younger sibling bullies you

Your younger sibling bullies you

13All pressure is on you because you have to be the "perfect" example and role model for your siblings in the long run

14You have to do the most chores

You have to do the most chores

15Your younger sibling get lots of attention while you get almost no attention

Your younger sibling get lots of attention while you get almost no attention

16You aren't allowed to say a single bad thing about your younger sibling, but your younger sibling is allowed to insult you 24/7

17The younger sibling always tells on you

18When your friends come over, your younger sibling will try to become their friend while excluding you from the group.

19When your siblings make a huge mess and you get in trouble for "not" watching them.

20You get blamed for everything

21You never get to have an older brother/sister to depend on him/her or seek their help and support

22You are not allowed to get certain toys or gadgets because your younger sibling might swallow up all the small parts.

23"Younger first"

24Your younger sibling tries to make you look like an idiot

25Your sibling can annoy you and you're not allowed to get mad

26Parents always assume you're a "bad influence"

27You are forced by your parents to share all of your secrets with your younger siblings.

28Younger siblings think they have it worst

29You're the family black sheep.

30When your parents are mad at your younger siblings they show it on you, just because your older

31"She's/he's too young to understand"

32Grandparents, uncles, etc. "don't have favorites" but the only acknowledgement you get from them is "good morning"

33When you are expressing your feelings and they don't care but your younger siblings does the same and suddenly they care.

34Your parents are strict on you and they are easygoing on the younger siblings

35Your parents call your sibling good names while they call you bad names