Top 10 Mistakes College Freshmen Make

1Not taking care of yourself

2Not reading the syllabus

3Not enjoying the college experience on campus

4Scheduling 8 AM classes

5Not learning how to do laundry

6Not communicating with your roommate

7Overpacking your stuff for move in day

8Skipping class

9Staying in your dorm

10Partying too much

11Not bringing winter clothes

12Only hanging out with friends from high school

13Not asking for help

14Going home every weekend

15Constantly talking about your high school

16Leaving laundry in the washing machine

17Not having a bank account

18Not knowing when class registration opens

19Not using a calendar

20Eating unhealthy

21Getting lost on campus

22Not having a resume

23Getting distracted in class

24Not exercising

25Not having snacks in the dorm room