Top Ten Things Most Kids Dream Of

1Having superpowers

2Their favorite cartoon being real

3Parents forgetting their dentist appointments

Parents forgetting their dentist appointments

4Having lots of friends

5Candy precipitation

6Being rich

7Becoming famous

8Being good looking

9Staying up late

Staying up late

10Getting into heaven one day

11Wandering in another world

12School to end

13Their crush to like them back

14Being a rock star

Being a rock star

15Being friends with their favorite YouTubers

16Never being bullied

17Traveling around the world

18Being a pirate

19Having lots of toys

20Being a baby again

Being a baby again

21Becoming a Pokémon trainer

22Going on an adventure

23Going into space

24Being a janitor

Being a janitor

25Getting their dream jobs

26Falling into a hole

27Live in a mansion

28Being a pro gamer

29Making people laugh

30Being at a theme park

31Being a superhero

32Get rid of their dad

33Having more holidays

34Getting kidnapped

35Being in a book series