Worst Types of Pokemon Players

1The Legendary Noob

2The Greedy GTS Players

3The Elitist Player

4The Greedy Wonder Trade Player

5The Shiny Showoff

6The Switcher


8The Cheater/Hacker

9The Tryharders

10The Player Who Has 6 Magikarps

11Those People Who Show Off Their Pokemon Through Trade but Never Trade Them

12Greninja Fans

13People Who Complain About New Games

14Charizard Haters

15People that lie about catching Mewtwo

16Shiny Hunters

17The Nostalgic

18The Lucky Person

19The Kawaii Kat

20The Little Sibling

21People who battle and go AFK in battles

22People Who Hate on Kanto Fans

23Those Who Don't Deal with the Fact that Gen I Came First

24People Who Don't Care About Pokemons' Origin and Affection

25People Who Have Level 100 Pokemon

26Gen 5 Haters