Top 10 Reasons Why Cartoons Suck These Days

1Unlikable Characters

2Unfunny Jokes

3People Just Make Them for Money

4Lack of Originality

5Gross Out Gags

6Lack of Effort


8Weak Plot-Lines

9Bad Spin-Off Shows of Great Cartoons

10Teens Being Bratty and Not Getting in Trouble

11Liberal Propaganda

12Too Much Toilet Humor

13Ban of Guns

14Bad Character Designs

15Mean-Spiritedness and Sadism

16Inappropriate Content

17They're Repetitive

18Too Much Political Correctness

19Turned Great Shows Into Garbage

20Too Much Flash Animation

21No Effort Put Into the Animation

22Lack of Ideas

23Repeated Way Too Much on TV

24Lack of Moral Values

25Relying Too Much on Anime

26Catering to 5 Year Olds

27Only Use Basic Plots and Ideas

28They Don't Have Any Charm

29Humans Aren't Drawn Realistically

30Too Much Appealing to the Adult Demographic

31Too Much CGI

32Rely Too Much on Fans

33Conservative Propaganda

34The Animation Lacks in Fluidity

35They're Not Funny