Hardest Super Mario Galaxy Levels / Bosses

1Grandmaster Galaxy - The Perfect Run - SMG2

Grandmaster Galaxy - The Perfect Run - SMG2

2Melty Molten Galaxy - The Sinking Lava Spire Daredevil Run - SMG

Melty Molten Galaxy - The Sinking Lava Spire Daredevil Run - SMG

3Grandmaster Galaxy - The Ultimate Test - SMG2

4Boss Blitz Galaxy - Throwback Throwdown Speed Run - SMG2

5Sling Pod Galaxy - A Very Sticky Situation - SMG

Sling Pod Galaxy - A Very Sticky Situation - SMG

6Space Junk Galaxy - Purple Coin Spacewalk - SMG

7Bouldergeist Daredevil Run (Super Mario Galaxy)

Bouldergeist Daredevil Run (Super Mario Galaxy)

8Battle Belt Galaxy - Mini-Planet Daredevil Run - SMG2

9Deep Dark Galaxy Underground Ghost Ship Daredevil - SMG1

Deep Dark Galaxy Underground Ghost Ship Daredevil - SMG1

10Toy Time Galaxy - Luigi's Purple Coins - SMG

Toy Time Galaxy - Luigi

11Shiverburn Galaxy - Green Star 3 - SMG2

12Bowser's Dark Matter Plant - Darkness on the Horizon - SMG

13Melty Monster Galaxy - Green Star 1 - SMG2

14Kingfin - SMG

Kingfin - SMG

15Bugaboom - SMG/2

16Stone Cyclone Galaxy/ Beach Bowl Galaxy - SMG/2

17Purple Coins In the Bone Pen - SMG

Purple Coins In the Bone Pen - SMG

18Return Of Luigi's Purple Coins - SMG2

19Sweet Sweet Galaxy - Rocky Road - SMG

20Major Burrows' Daredevil Run - Gusty Garden Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy

Major Burrows

21Megaleg - SMG

Megaleg - SMG

22Purple Coins On the Summit - SMG

23Bowser Jr. Mega Hammer Slammer - SMG2

24Silver Stars - the Cyclone Stone SMG2

25Bouldergeist - SMG/2

Bouldergeist - SMG/2

26Fiery Dino Piranha - SMG/2

Fiery Dino Piranha - SMG/2

27Fiery Gobblegut - SMG2

28Silver Stars in Double Time - Beat Block Galaxy SMG 2

29Rollodillo - SMG2

30Mecha Bowser - SMG

Mecha Bowser - SMG

31Giant Eel Outbreak - SMG

32Purple Coins On the Summit - Freezeflame Galaxy - SMG