Top 10 Best Prank Call Ideas

1Is Mr. Wall there? No. How about Mrs. Wall? No. Then what's holding up your ceiling?

Is Mr. Wall there? No. How about Mrs. Wall? No. Then what

2Say, "Hi, this is Jenny from 31 Flavors. If you can name 31 flavors in 31 seconds, you can win 31 thousand dollars. Ready, go!" super fast and peppy.

Say, "Hi, this is Jenny from 31 Flavors. If you can name 31 flavors in 31 seconds, you can win 31 thousand dollars. Ready, go!" super fast and peppy.

3Why did you hang up on me?

Why did you hang up on me?

4Ask for some random person and then hang up when you are told you have the wrong number. Call back later with a disguised accent, and say you're [insert name used earlier] and ask if there are any messages for you.

5Claim you are doing a survey and then ask random and hilarious questions.

Claim you are doing a survey and then ask random and hilarious questions.

6Ask if they will confirm their order of exotic Mexican dancers for a bachelor party.

Ask if they will confirm their order of exotic Mexican dancers for a bachelor party.

7Hmm, yes, I ordered a pizza an hour ago and I want to know when it's coming.

Hmm, yes, I ordered a pizza an hour ago and I want to know when it

8Where do babies come from?

Where do babies come from?

9Say "You are the weakest link" and hang up.

10Use a really bad Chinese accent and say, "We sell egg rolls! $20 for one egg roll! Egg rolls! Egg rolls! You buy egg roll, or we hunt you down!"

11Hi, this is Radio Disney. You just won 3 tickets to see One Direction Live at (insert Stadium). You just need to answer this survey in order to win. Are you ready to start? [Hang up]

12Call McDonald's and say, "Hi, I'm stuck in one of your toilets and need help getting out because I'm a paraplegic," then yell, "HURRY UP, MY CHEESEBURGER IS GOING COLD."

13Is your refrigerator running? Yes. Well, you better go and catch it.

14Call a business and start screaming in a horrible accent, "I've come here 20 times, and the manager told me that I could get a coupon, and I didn't get a coupon, and I have such a sad life, and whyyyyy!" (sob sob)

15Call PetSmart and when they answer, say "Hear me roar like a mountain lion!", then try to do it.

16Call a hotel in Hawaii with bad ratings and ask questions about their rooms, like how many they have and the types of beds and stuff.

17Call a random number and pretend you are Siri.

18Hey, it's Jennifer. I left my super-duper maxi pads at your house. If you could return them, that would be great. I have major leakage. Thanks.

19Call a pizza shop and when they answer, say, "Your pizza burned the tongue right off my daughter, you jerk. You better pay for a new one!" and hang up.

20Hi, it's Stacy from Fat Zap. Would you like me to zap your fat away? Do you have any questions about this process?

21Call a random guy and say, "Children in the backseat cause accidents! Accidents in the backseat cause children!" then hang up.

22Say "I can't hear you" until they hang up.

23Call a random number and start singing Happy Birthday!

24Did I leave my clothes in your bedroom?

25Call McDonald's and ask, "Is this the Krusty Krab?"

26Call McDonald's and order food from Burger King

27Call a pizza shop and ask if they have any dog pizza.

28Ask for their gender then say "my computer says no."

29Call up an elderly lady pretending to be the local supermarket and try to sell some cheese. While selling cheese, ask when she will come and collect the diapers she ordered because you're concerned about her bladder problem. Then sell cheese again.

30Call McDonald's and ask where the nearest Wendy's is

31Call McDonald's and ask for a Sad Meal.

32Call Petsmart in the reptiles section and quietly say, 'I like turtles' and hang up.

33Call Aflac and ask for Jake from State Farm

34Accuse Domino's of stealing a secret recipe of Papa Johns.

35Say something really weird, or continue to pester them until they ask "Who is this?" or something similar, and then yell "THIS IS SPARTA!"