Top 10 Problems With Minecraft Story Mode

1The game isn't finished

2It doesn't feel like a Minecraft game

3Reuben dies

4The characters are stupid

5Inappropriate language

6The camera angles are just terrible

7The puzzles are so easy

8The controls are completely broken

9The game is targeted for younger kids

10The game gets repetitive and really boring

11Petra and Jesse should be together

12People shipping characters

13The first chapter is really short

14No Steve

15Everyone is dying

16The giant boss

17Crafting isn't used much in the game

18They use the same music over and over again

19The writing

20Episode 3 is better than Episode 2

21It's boring

22It is not a video game. It's an interactive movie.

23The sounds aren't matching up with the pictures and doesn't even play

24The Android edition breaks when you try to download an episode

25We don't know anything about anyone

26The story is lazy

27Stella scams people

28Lukas doesn't get enough screen time in Season 2

29Not enough episodes

30Episode 3 had way too many cut off voices

31Too much political correctness

32It's hard to save Petra don Gabriel in Episode 1

33No colors

34Episode 2 Is dumbed down and lame

35The villain isn't used much in Episode 2