Top 10 Reasons Lord of the Rings is Better Than Harry Potter

1It has a deeper meaning

2It is Christian

3It doesn't rely heavily on magic

4It comes with a backdrop of thousands of years of history and is rich in fully developed languages

5Harry Potter copied Lord of the Rings

6Lord of the Rings makes sense, Harry Potter is just random magic stuff

7The characters don't do evil to achieve their goals

8The movie inspires people to do good and fight against evil.

9The Nazgûl are cooler than the Death Eaters

10Sauron is a better villain than Voldemort

11Harry can be a jerk

12It's more entertaining

13It's darker

14It is a physical journey

15The language is grander

16It has cooler species

17It has better morals

18Lord of the Rings' legacy still continues to this day while Harry Potter's legacy is dying

19The characters are on attack mode, not defense mode

20Eowyn is better than Hermione

21It has more powerful enemies

22It has better battles

23It's shorter

24It was the first of its kind

25Ron is dumb

26Gandalf is more awesome than Dumbledore

27It spans a shorter time period

28It has a more developed world

29In Tolkien's works, Middle Earth geography and culture is explored. In Harry Potter, we know little of wizarding culture outside of the UK.

30It has a more emotional ending

31It won more Oscar awards

32It has a better soundtrack

33It's more mature

34It has better video game adaptations

35The Lord of the Rings movies better follow the books