Worst Things About Ni Hao Kai Lan

1She tickles the sun

2Rinto is a jerk

3Hoho is a brat

4She ripped off Dora except in Chinese

5She sings stupid songs

6The Hula Ducks aren't in Hawaii

7She talks to the screen like Dora

8She has no human friends

9Her friends are idiots

10Hoho always has to be the center of attention

11Totally is obsessed over pandas

12All of the characters are stupid

13She always gets what she wants

14Dumb plots

15Ni Hao Kai Lan sucks

16The name copied Hello Kitty

17She says "You make my heart feel super happy"

18It's a ripoff of Dora

19Kai Lan is a jerk

20She's always happy

21Crappy animation

22Crappy theme song

23Rinto is a complete jerk

24Tolie has a very bad-temper

25YeYe is a weird name

26She is annoying

27Hoho is super-annoying!

28Lame appearances

29Kai Lan tries to ground us