Top 10 Worst Things About Hogwarts

1House sorting

2Favoritism for students and houses

3Detention served in the Forbidden Forest

4Magical creatures inside the corridors

5The school staff does not guarantee the safety of the students

6House point distribution

7The Grand Staircase

8Oddball professors

9General lack of privacy

10Transportation to get to the school

11Secret chambers

12Dolores Umbridge being in control

13Still punished even if you have good intentions

14Slytherin Dungeon dormitory

15Potions are taught in a dungeon

16Changing staircases

17No bans on specific curses and spells

18Unhealthy feasts

19The Forbidden Forest

20Boats for first years and finishing seventh

21House elf slavery

22Boys cannot enter girls dormitories because of old magic, but girls can enter boys dormitories

23Secrecy from muggles

24Cruel caretaker just because he is a Squib

25Grumpy librarian