Top 10 Best Steven Universe Quotes

1"For a fusion to work, there needs to be balance. An imbalance can cause your fusion to lose touch with reality, see things that aren't there, and eventually fall apart." - Garnet, Mindful Education

2"Hah...I know what's wrong with me. I'm not supposed to be small. And everyone's always acting like there's no problem." - Amethyst, Steven vs Amethyst

3"I asked her about her hair, and then she asked how I colored mine. I told her, 'My appearance is just a conscious manifestation of light.' and she said, 'I know how that is.'" - Pearl, Last One Out of Beach City

4"Humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they're a part of something bigger." - Pearl, Keep Beach City Weird

5"You know what's nice about being split up?... I get to look at you." - Ruby, Keystone Motel

6"Apparently more than you, you... CLOD! "- Peridot

7If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs! - Greg Universe, Steven Universe

8"Earth is our home now. Isn't it worth fighting for?" - Peridot, Raising the Barn

9"Earth'¦ is a prison. And I got out because I'™m better than this place. I only came back to finish you off. You can't manipulate me Rose Quartz!..." - Jasper, Earthlings

10"Um... well... I-I did it on Earth, in front of Pink Diamond's palanquin." - Steven, The Trial

11"Don't you raise your shield at me! I only want you to be yourself! If you can't do that I'll do it for you!" - White Diamond, Change Your Mind

12"I don't know what Topaz would do if she didn't have Topaz. I've always wanted to tell me how I'm helping me through this, but there's always someone between us!" - Topaz, Stuck Together

13"You're really gonna tell the Diamonds that you allowed a band of traitorous rebels to infiltrate a highly secure facility, and escape right under your careful watch?" - Pearl, That Will Be All

14Sadie...? Do you ever get lonely... even when you're around people...? - Lars Barriga, Island Adventure

15Sleep is a curse, and yet a curse I need to live -Steven Universe, Steven Universe, Chille Tid

16"Everyone calm down. Look. We can all see her. She's right there! She just can't reform because... she has this... baby around her." - Pearl, Three Gems and a Baby

17I don't need you to respect me, I respect me. I don't need you to love me, I love me. But I want you to know you could know me if you change your mind. - Steven Universe, Change Your Mind

18"The rhythm has her!..." - Steven, Arcade Mania

19Imma win a airplane! - Amethyst, Arcade Mania

20Marry Me, Yellow - Blue Diamond

21"Lars... I'm afraid right now. I thought if I turned myself in, it'd fix everything, but... I don't want to do this, Lars. I've been to space before, but not like this." - Steven, Stuck Together

22"Stevonnie, listen to me. You are not two people. And you are not one person. You are an experience! Make sure you're a good experience. Now... Go!... Have!... Fun!" - Garnet, Alone Together

23"You'™re the one good thing that came out of this mess, I always thought you were proud of that." - Pearl, On the Run

24If I'm not back in an hour, call the police. - Greg, keystone motel

25Everything I ever did, I did for her. Now she'™s gone, but I'™m still here. Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes. What would she think of me now? - Pearl, Rose'™s Scabbard

26'œYou'”Clod!' - Peridot

27"We kept Amythest." - Garnet, Steven's Lion

28"No! You just don't get it. I hate being scared all of the time!" - Lars, Off Colors

29Did you guys... Bismuth me? - Bismuth, Made of Honor

30"It'll be better this time. I've changed. You've changed me. I'm the only one who can handle your kind of power." - Jasper, Alone at Sea

31'œThat'™s what YOU think, I AM AN ETERNAL FLAME, BABY!!!' - Ruby, Keystone Motel

32''You know, if you just let everyone be whoever they are, maybe you could let yourself be whoever you are too'' - Steven Universe, Change Your Mind

33"It's me. I've always been me" - Steven, Change Your Mind

34"You won, and she chose you, and she loved you and she's gone!" - Pearl, Mr. Greg

35"She was suffering in silence for ages -- just like our Gems -- just like me! And I know you're suffering in silence, too!" - Blue Diamond, Change your mind