Best Gravity Falls Quotes

1You can't force someone to love you. The best you can do is strive to be someone worthy of loving. - Dipper

2Reality is just a illusion and the universe is a hologram - Bill Cipher

3Schembulock! - Schembulock

4If you're a side character, you get eaten in the first 5 minutes of the movie. Dude, am I a side character?! - Soos

5When there's no cops around, anything's legal! - Stan

6Homework is wack and so are rules tucking in your shirts for fools - Rapper

7Disco Girl... Coming through... That girl in you - Dipper

8For tonight's final illusion we have the incredible sack of mystery. When you put your money in it, it mysteriously disappears - Stan

9Who'd you like to buy the Stan-Vac vacuum? It sucks more than anything! - Stan

10Studies show owning a ladder is more dangerous that a loaded gun. That's why I own ten guns, just in case some fool tries to sneak in here with a ladder. - Stan

11Dipper would. - Mabel

12Void where prohibited no C.O.D.s accepted. Carla I've always loved you but I've never had the guts to say it - News Reporter

13Don't you know what it's like to fall for someone. Even though you know in your heart that it'll probably never work out? But you'd do anything for that person? - Mabel Pines

14Known for their pale skin and bad attitudes these creatures are often mistaken for... Teenagers - Dipper

15Check it out, Dipper! I successfully bedazzled my face! - Mabel

16Hey, wanna hear a joke? Okay, here goes. My ex-wife still misses me...but her aim is gettin' better! - Stan

17It's funny how dumb you are! - Bill Cipher

18I can buy and sell you old man! - Gideon

19I've seen some pretty amazing things this summer. But nothing as amazing as you and your sister. - Wendy

20You're scared. Of growing up. And who could blame you; I'm scared, too. - Dipper

21Hey dude! Ready to blow up these hot dogs in the microwave one by one - Soos

22Everybody's touching everything! - Dipper

23This party never stops. Time is dead and meaning has no meaning. Existence is upside-down and I reign supreme. Welcome, one and all, to weirdmageddon! - Bill Cipher

24Okay my original plan was to tape together a bunch of fishsticks to make a prosthetic pair of people legs - Mabel

25Dude, I made us some victory nachos. Don't worry, I only ate a third of them. Nah, half of them. Just kidding, I ate all of 'em! - Soos

26I'm legalizing everything - Mabel

27Yay! Grass! - Mabel

28The future is in the past. Onwards Aoshima! - Mabel

29Calendars, mugs, t-shirts, and more! They've got it all at the copier store! That's not their slogan...I just really feel that way about the copier store. - Soos

30Grunkle Stan, I trust you - Mabel

31...and he should be out of your probably fake blonde hair. - Dipper

32Princess Unattainable beckons you - Ford

33Okay, so I was just opening random doors - because I'm a creep - Mabel

34We put the fun in no refund - Stan

35Human soda, I'm gonna drink it like a person - Bill