2Whispers of Fallen Shadows
3Sparkling Dew on Spiderwebs
5Flowers that Sway in Breeze
6Bird that Soars Above
8Light that Shines Upon
9Bush that Bristles Like Fur
11Feather Drifting from Sky
13Trees that Grow Rapidly
14Flowing River that Moves Quickly
15Creek Where Minnows Swim
16Flame that Burns in Darkness
17Dusk that Slays the Dawn
18Hawk that Flies Everywhere
20Butterfly that Lands Gently
21Mud that Sticks Like Sweat
22Feather from Dove's Wing
24Stars of the Valley Sky
26Song of Fallen Stars
27Frost that Glistens in Sun
28Frost that Glitters on Grass
29Aura that Lights Darkness
30Shadows that Night Follows
32Scar from Angry Eagle
33Whisper that Echoes in Night
34Cougars Hunting in Night