Top 10 Best Reactions to Donald Trump's Election Win 2016

1Get your abortions immediately. Or else we are going to be f****d - Jena Friedman

Get your abortions immediately. Or else we are going to be f****d - Jena Friedman

2Anybody but Donald Trump! Anyone! We are not gonna be okay - Perez Hilton

Anybody but Donald Trump! Anyone! We are not gonna be okay - Perez Hilton

3I supported everyone besides Donald Trump. I heavily supported Bernie, heavily supported Hillary & I still think in her life-time she deserved to be the 1st female president & that's what makes me so sad. - Miley Cyrus

I supported everyone besides Donald Trump. I heavily supported Bernie, heavily supported Hillary & I still think in her life-time she deserved to be the 1st female president & that

4You're awake by the way. You're not having a terrible dream, also you're not dead and you haven't gone to hell. Is there a doomsday plan? - Rachel Maddow


5If Trump wins, how bout bursting into tears & screaming the f-word for 45 minutes? Is this what it feels like when America is made great again? - Stephen Colbert

If Trump wins, how bout bursting into tears & screaming the f-word for 45 minutes? Is this what it feels like when America is made great again? - Stephen Colbert

6We are now under total Republican rule. Textbook fascism. F*** you, white America, you racist, misogynistic pieces of crap - Laci Green

We are now under total Republican rule. Textbook fascism. F*** you, white America, you racist, misogynistic pieces of crap - Laci Green

7This is the first time throughout this entire race I'm officially crapping my pants - Trevor Noah

This is the first time throughout this entire race I

8Donald Trump is a reminder that you should just apply for that job you want even if you don't have experience - College Student

9This was a "Whitelash". This was a "Whitelash" against a changing country, it was a "Whitelash" against a black president -  Van Jones

This was a "Whitelash". This was a "Whitelash" against a changing country, it was a "Whitelash" against a black president -  Van Jones

10How do you govern when your whole campaign was build on the hatred of someone else? From slavery to Nazism, we've faced challenges before, but this is even worse - Jonathan Alter

How do you govern when your whole campaign was build on the hatred of someone else? From slavery to Nazism, we

11How did this happen? Experienced Politician vs Racist Fake Gynecologist! - Michelle Wolf

How did this happen? Experienced Politician vs Racist Fake Gynecologist! - Michelle Wolf

12This isn't what we meant when we said "Orange is the New Black" - Grace Eileen

13You just hailed Trump as the ultimate power of this planet. Are you insane... you PATHETIC LOSERS! - Cenk Ugyer

You just hailed Trump as the ultimate power of this planet. Are you insane... you PATHETIC LOSERS! - Cenk Ugyer

14Just woke my children up and told them Santa's dead. Don't see why I should be the only one hearing terrible news this morning - Joe Heenan

15If I learned to use the gun, I would go after and shoot Trump. I don't mind being put to death to stop World War 3 - Anonymous Twitter User

168 years ago America elected its 1st black president. Today it elected a candidate endorsed by the KKK - Sam Sanders

17Rape Melania - Placard Message

18Upon due consideration, I believe this is a call to violence. We should open arms against these alt-right nut jobs - Paul Schrader

19Yes, I'm angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House - Madonna

20Your vote was a hate crime - Placard message

21Bitch I'm ready for a race war. Do all the hickass white people wanna fight? POC will destroy y'all - Alaina