Worst Things About Surprise Egg Videos

1The titles are extremely dumb

2They're everywhere

3The thumbnails are ridiculous

The thumbnails are ridiculous

4The people in these videos have high-pitched grating voices

5They are boring

6They are sometimes disturbing

7The children are spoiled brats

The children are spoiled brats

8They are cringe-worthy

9They invented the crackship elsa/spiderman

They invented the crackship elsa/spiderman

10The surprise eggs aren't always shaped like eggs

11They are overrated

12They're made by greedy people

13They to trick kids into buying products in the eggs

They to trick kids into buying products in the eggs

14They have annoying crying

They have annoying crying

15They are immature

16They are cheesy

17They are just one big ad

18They are cash grabs

They are cash grabs