Worst Things About Barbie

1Her saying "anything is possible"

2She isn't medically possible

3She only cares for herself

4She thinks everyone loves her

5She has an annoying voice

6She think that the only good colour is pink

She think that the only good colour is pink

7She has her own show

8She's a Mary Sue

9She's overrated

10She has an annoying song called 'Barbie Girl'

11She's a diva

12She's dumb

13She's too girly

14She has bad movies

15People just love her for her looks

16She is boring

17She's too skinny

18She's ugly

19She only cares about her looks

20She has long blonde hair

21She's sexist

22She's hated by a lot of boys

23She talks too much

24She's too perfect

25She isn't real

26She's a bad role model

27She's inappropriate

28She broke up with Ken, dated some other bloke, then got back with Ken

29She's for babies

30She wears too much pink

31She's a jerk

32She's creepy

33She's a stereotype

34They're still making dolls of her

35She has too many accessories