Top 10 Worst Deeds Done by Warrior Cats

1Mapleshade: starting the Evil Chain

Mapleshade: starting the Evil Chain

2Dark Forest cats: training lake cats to kill the four clans

Dark Forest cats: training lake cats to kill the four clans

3Darkstripe: feeding Sorrelkit deathberries

Darkstripe: feeding Sorrelkit deathberries

4Tigerstar: killing Redtail

Tigerstar: killing Redtail

5Tigerstar: leading the dogs into the forest

Tigerstar: leading the dogs into the forest

6Tigerstar: telling Stonefur to kill Graystripe's kits

Tigerstar: telling Stonefur to kill Graystripe

7Tigerstar: leading Bloodclan to the forest

Tigerstar: leading Bloodclan to the forest

8Tigerstar: plotting to kill Ravenpaw

Tigerstar: plotting to kill Ravenpaw

9All ancient clans: driving SkyClan out

10Thistleclaw: telling Tigerpaw to kill Tiny

Thistleclaw: telling Tigerpaw to kill Tiny

11Hawkfrost: leading Firestar into a fox trap

Hawkfrost: leading Firestar into a fox trap

12Clawface: killing Spottedleaf

Clawface: killing Spottedleaf

13Hawkheart: killing Moonflower

Hawkheart: killing Moonflower

14Tigerstar: murdering Brindleface

Tigerstar: murdering Brindleface

15Tigerstar: killing Gorsepaw

Tigerstar: killing Gorsepaw

16Rainflower: treating Crookedstar so badly

Rainflower: treating Crookedstar so badly

17Brokenstar: killing kits

Brokenstar: killing kits

18Hawkfrost: killing Hollyleaf

Hawkfrost: killing Hollyleaf

19Appledusk: making Mapleshade evil, thus making her start the Evil Chain

Appledusk: making Mapleshade evil, thus making her start the Evil Chain

20Sedgekit: boasting about the tunnels

21Ashfur: threatening to burn Squirrelflight in the forest fire

Ashfur: threatening to burn Squirrelflight in the forest fire

22Tigerstar: killing Firestar

Tigerstar: killing Firestar

23Tigerstar: killing Runningwind

Tigerstar: killing Runningwind

24Leapardfoot: giving birth to Tigerkit

25Mapleshade: tricking Crookedstar

Mapleshade: tricking Crookedstar

26Dawnpelt: saying Jayfeather killed Flametail

Dawnpelt: saying Jayfeather killed Flametail

27Thunderclan: driving out Mapleshade

Thunderclan: driving out Mapleshade

28Starclan: taking Mapleshade to the place of no stars

Starclan: taking Mapleshade to the place of no stars

29Hollyleaf: threatening Leafpool with deathberries

Hollyleaf: threatening Leafpool with deathberries

30Hollyleaf: telling the secret at the gathering

Hollyleaf: telling the secret at the gathering

31Pinestar: becoming a Kittypet

Pinestar: becoming a Kittypet

32Rainflower: rejecting Stormkit

Rainflower: rejecting Stormkit

33Brokenstar: making kits apprentices early causing the deaths of many ShadowClan kits

Brokenstar: making kits apprentices early causing the deaths of many ShadowClan kits

34Squirrelflight: lying to Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze

Squirrelflight: lying to Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze

35Jessy: taking Bramblestar from Squirrelflight

Jessy: taking Bramblestar from Squirrelflight