Worst Insults Ever

1I know you are but what am I?

2You're dumb!

3I don't like your pencil.

4(Has the same shirt as you) Your shirt's stupid!

5You don't like school. Ha Ha!

6You're a nerd.

7I'm better than you! I can find the spacebar!

8A hobo calls you poor.

9Your dad told me you should have been a wank

10After they saw your face, they signed Quasimodo as a model

11You're such a pain in the gluteus maximus

12Yo momma!



15You're Gay

16You play like a girl

17Well at least I'm better than you.

18Remembering you is like throwing up

19Did the short bus drop you off?

20Your a self-obsessed weasel!

21You're a tenth of 1% as gross as Justin Bieber

22I'd Rather Listen to Nicki Minaj Than Look at You

23You're so ugly you have to wear makeup

24You suck

25Poop thinks you stink

26You smell like a zoo

27Roses are red violets are blue, faces like yours belong in a zoo

28I have a gameboy and you have a Wii U ha ha!

29You and your family should die in a fire

30You look like you were born in a car accident.

31You are poop!

32You're so slow my crappy internet is faster than you

33If I put your brain in a bird it would fly backwards

34You're so fat, I wouldn't mistake you for a elephant

35You eat poo