Top Ten Reasons Why Nintendo is Better Than Sega

1Nintendo owns some of the best selling video game franchises

Nintendo owns some of the best selling video game franchises

2Nintendo has better consoles

3Nintendo has better characters

4Nintendo has a better mascot

5Mario saved the video game industry

6Nintendo is a better company

7Nintendo has better spin-off games

8Mario's games are always successful while Sega can make unfinished and ripped-off games

9Nintendo's been around longer

10Nintendo has better quality

11Sega made insulting commercials towards Nintendo

12Nintendo makes better games

13Sega doesn't make consoles anymore

14Nintendo has sold more then Sega

15Nintendo has better experience at making games

16Sega fans are annoying

17Sega would be dead without Sonic

18Nintendo worked with Rareware

19After Sega went down hill, they went begging to Nintendo

20Nintendo has handheld consoles

21Sonic's creator left him

22No insufferable characters

23Nintendo has more characters

24Mario is still good

25Nintendo has better character development

26Nintendo has more games

27Mario's adventures make more sense

28More franchises sign onto Nintendo

29Sega ripped off Nintendo

30Nintendo has better mobile games

31Nintendo ports Cave Story onto its consoles

32Nintendo is the creator of Mario

33Nintendo's franchises do not have a identity crisis like the Sonic franchise

34Nintendo makes smarter decisions

35Best selling game ever is owned by Nintendo