Top Ten Worst School Policies

1Dress codes

Dress codes

2Semester/quarter bathroom limits

3School start time being earlier than 9:00am

4No backpack during school

No backpack during school

5No listening to music

No listening to music

6Being tardy because of missing the bus leading to an unexcused absence

Being tardy because of missing the bus leading to an unexcused absence

7Not sitting in your seat when the bell rings (even if you're in the room) leading to an unexcused absence

8No chewing gum

9Punished for not having a ruler/pen/pencil

10No kissing

No kissing

11Having to add on extra days to the school year because of a snow day

Having to add on extra days to the school year because of a snow day

12No cell phones

No cell phones

13No energy/fizzy drinks

No energy/fizzy drinks

14No swearing

15No phones in class

No phones in class

16No wearing hats in school

17Not allowed to have long hair

Not allowed to have long hair

18No boyfriend / girlfriend

19No eating in the class

No eating in the class

20No fidget spinner in school

21You have to show your work whenever you answer a question

22English only

English only

23No wearing jewelry

No wearing jewelry

24Hall passes

25No talking during lunch

26No bathroom breaks

27No standing up in the cafeteria

28No makeup

No makeup

29No hitting

30No jackets in cold weather

31Getting Saturday School when sick for a week

32No drinking drinks in the halls

No drinking drinks in the halls

33If your lunch account balance is low, you don't get any food at all.

34In school suspension for fighting

35Time limit to eat lunch