Top Ten Predictions for Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

1Emperor Palpatine Returns

Emperor Palpatine Returns

2The First Order falls

3The Millenium Falcon is destroyed

The Millenium Falcon is destroyed

4A Skywalker plays a big role

5Leia dies

Leia dies

6Rey and Kylo Ren have a lightsaber battle for the last time

7Lieutenant Connix leads the Resistance

Lieutenant Connix leads the Resistance

8Force Ghost Showdown

9Anakin's original lightsaber is repaired

10It will be a bad movie

11The medals from A New Hope play a role

12Kylo Ren Kills everyone and the First Order Rules the Galaxy forever

13Rey turns to the dark side

14Rey Turns to the Dark Side with Kylo Ren and together they defeat Emperor Palpatine and take the first order down a new path.

15The Jedi Order is rebuilt again

16Kylo Ren sacrifices himself to save Rey

17Ezra will be in the movie

Ezra will be in the movie

18Rey is revealed to be created by Palpatine

19Force ghosts will train Rey to face Palpatine

20It'll be a good movie