Top Ten Best Things About Rainbow Dash

1She's entertaining

2She's a great flyer

3She got her friends their cutie marks

4She's loyal

5She's a good friend

6She's funny

7Her relationship with Scootaloo

8She defends others

9She's powerful

10She's great looking

11She's adorable

12She's a hero

13She's an awesome singer

14She has great episodes

15She's badass

16She has a good voice

17Her jerkiness is funny and harmless

18She's a tomboy

19She and Tank are cute together

20She's selfless

21She was going to be the main character

22She's hot

23She's the only reason Equestria isn't a wasteland

24She made the show popular

25She has tons of friends

26She's better than Buttercup

27She has rainbow hair

28She's a good fighter

29She had the most development

30She makes her haters jealous

31She makes the best faces

32She always wins

33She has the best element of harmony

34She's a cute fangirl

35She's too complex for haters