Top Ten Signs You're a Weeaboo

1You obsess over every anime ever created

You obsess over every anime ever created

2You look at hentai and have a fetish for it

3You own a body pillow

4You live in your mom's basement

5When chatting on the Internet, you use the terms "kawaii" or "desu" over 5 times in one comment

6You do cosplay even though you're an adult

7You pretend you know Japanese even though you're really just making fun of the language

8You use 4chan

9You haven't seen natural sunlight for over a week

10You like ramen and Pocky solely because they are Japanese

11You talk about literally nothing but anime

12You look down on Western culture

13You hate on English dubs

14You abuse the word "baka"

15You type "uwu"

16You only like Japanese entertainment

17You watch Boku No Pico.

You watch Boku No Pico.

18You treat anything from Japan like a gift from Jesus

You treat anything from Japan like a gift from Jesus

19You are a Japanese

20You say Animes are not cartoons

21You want live in Japan.

22You own chopsticks.

23You only listen to J-Music

24You listen to "Turning Japanese"

25You know how to read Manga.

26You only watch Japanese shows.

27You can name every Pokemon.

28You want to be a Samurai

29You think western cartoons are either kiddy, or cliched

30Your diet is Japanese food.

31You can name every VOCALOID

32You probably like dan and phil

33You own a Samurai Sword.

34You watched Super Duper Sumos

You watched Super Duper Sumos

35You want to marry an anime character

You want to marry an anime character