Top 10 Worst Ways to Lose in Mario Kart

1Getting hit by a Blue Shell before the finish line

Getting hit by a Blue Shell before the finish line

2Being in 1st and falling off on the last lap

3Getting hit by every item in the game

4Getting hit by anything while holding a coin

5Being in a tight race and you slip on a banana

6Getting hit by lightning and losing your last chance item

7Falling off the bridge in DK Mountain by a banana

8Getting hit by multiple items on the final lap just before the finish line

9Getting passed by another racer from basically nowhere

10Getting bumped by a heavyweight character into an off-road section or off the stage completely

11Hitting yourself with a blue shell.

12Missing the item box and the person behind you has triple reds

13Getting hit by 3 blue shells in 1 lap

14Getting hit by a track obstacle

15Accidentally going in the wrong direction

16Being hit by your own banana

17Getting sniped at the line

18Being behind for the whole race

19Getting hit by a Blue Shell as soon as you reach 1st place

Getting hit by a Blue Shell as soon as you reach 1st place

20Missing the speed boost/ramp

21Falling off the edge over and over again on hard courses

22Getting wheelie bumped

23Getting hit by lightning and getting run over by someone normal size

24Getting a coin instead of a Super Horn when a Blue Shell is coming

25Falling of the track in Yoshi Valley