Top 10 Call of Duty Games That Should Be Made

1Call of Duty: Civil War

2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4

3Call of Duty: Vietnam

4Call of Duty: World War 1

5Call of Duty: Korean War

6Call of Duty: Cold War

7Call of Duty: World War 3

8Call of Duty: Marines

9Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 5

10Call of Duty: Greece

11Call of Duty: French Revolution

12Call of Duty: World at War 2

13Call of Duty: America's Making

14Call of Duty: Battle of Grunwald

15Call of Duty: Crusades

16Call of Duty: Universal Revolution

17Call of Duty: Ghosts 2

18Call of Duty: Iron Wolf

19Call of Duty: Star Wars Edition

20Call of Duty: Future Warfare

21Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 2

22Call of Duty: Space Wars

23Call of Duty: Battle for America

24Call of Duty: The Great War

25Call of Duty: Medieval

26Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 2

27Call of Duty: Mafia Wars

28Call of Duty: Piracy

29Call of Duty: Knights at War

30Call of Duty: Last Man On Earth

31Call of Duty Advance

32Call of Duty: Devil's Brigade

33Call of Duty: Final Stand

34Call of Duty: Combined Forces

35Call of Duty: Halo