Top 10 Worst Mistakes Made by WWE

1Ending The Undertaker's Streak

2Releasing CM Punk

3Pushing Roman Reigns to the Top

4Switching to a PG Rating

5Transforming Talented Wrestlers into Jobbers

6Prioritizing Charlotte Over Other Women on the Roster

7Overusing John Cena's Babyface Character

Overusing John Cena

8Continuing the Crown Jewel PPV in Saudi Arabia

9Banning Chair Shots to the Head

Banning Chair Shots to the Head

10Making Brock Lesnar's Matches Formulaic and One-Sided

11Weakening Samoa Joe

12Featuring Retired and Old Wrestlers in Main-Event Pay-Per-Views

13Defeating Kofi Kingston with Brock Lesnar

14Overemphasizing the Women's Division

15Burying The Nexus

16Limiting Goldberg vs. Lesnar to One Minute and 26 Seconds

17Letting Bobby Lashley Win the ECW Championship at December to Dismember

18Hiring Brock Lesnar

19Introducing the 24/7 Championship

20Defeating Kane with John Cena

21Releasing John Cena

22Letting Stephanie McMahon Win the Women's Championship