Top 10 Best Headings for TheTopTens 404 Error Page

1Thanks for breaking the internet, you stupid moron!

2Oh, we're sorry, but this page doesn't exist. Can we make it up to you with free ice cream?

Oh, we

3Not a real page. Go away.

4Congratulations, you've found our awesome new 404 page!

5404, this is not the web page you are looking for.

6Welcome to our awesome new error 404 page! NOW GET OUT.

7Stuff like this is why people have trust issues.

8Stop bugging us with dead links. Don't you have anything better to do?

9You found this page.... AND IT'S GONE!

10Bowser kidnapped the page again!

11Discovering Something that Doesn't Exist.........

12Sorry users, but this site is in another castle

13Error 404 occurred. But hey, it's better than rule 34, isn't it?

14Uh-oh! Page not found.

15Hey we are sorry to say that you're going to have to give us a second to be able to go to this site, in the meantime, do you like chocolate chip cookies and french fries?


17Looking for something?

18Occurred, a 404 error has...

19You Shall Not Pass!

20And this is why 404 is the worst number in the world.

21Great Job you've found our 404 page now all you need to do is GET OUT OF HERE WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

22Oh, great! You went to a page that didn't exist!

23There is no spoon.

24Warning! This page is about to explode!

25This is no page pal. No page!

26Error, error, does not compute.

27We're sorry, this page could not be found.

28It's no use!

29Error 666, Welcome to Hell

30page.exe has stopped working

31We are hungry and we ate the page

32That page doesn't exist.

33Sorry, Our Dog ran away and we're sad... So get out

34Ahhhhhhhhh! This page doesn't exist.

35How many times do I have to tell you to not do this?