Top 10 Reasons Why WWE Fans Are Terrible

1They always complain

2Some of them are selfish and entitled

3They don't give the company credit where credit is due

4They think they know best what the company should do

5They can be very disrespectful

6They often don't consider what is going on backstage

7They only care about brawlers

8They boo certain wrestlers for petty reasons

9One minute they like a wrestler and want him to win a championship and then they turn on them the next

10Most of them are influenced by what they see on the Internet and social media

11They fight each other on the internet

12As soon as a wrestler loses a match, some fans say he's been "buried" or that he has become a "jobber"

13They Chant "You Can't Wrestle"

14They don't respect other fans' opinions

15They think it's all real

16They praise guys like Daniel Bryan who only does Kicks & The Running Knee, while they hate guys like Batista who can do Power moves like the Batista Bomb, Spinebuster, Clothsline, Actual Wrestling Moves

17Some are Neckbeards

18They cheer Cesaro for ruining someone's Beach Ball at Summerslam 2017, when the Beach Ball isn't the problem, It's Cesaro himself who fails to entertain the guy in the audience, so the beach ball is the one that keeps him entertained

19They Disrespect Part-Timers like Brock Lesnar & Goldberg, while at the same time don't care about the Ratings going down cause Indy Wrestlers are ruining the WWE

20They ruin Wrestlemania 35 by having Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch, & Kofi Kingston all won the titles

21They like Indy Wrestlers but not guys like Batista, Brock Lesnar, & Goldberg

22They want Japanese & Indy Wrestling in the WWE

23They fans bully people