Top 10 Reasons Why The Lion King Does Not Deserve the Praise It Gets

1The film contains stereotypical views that may be offensive to others, and went out of its way to completely demonize a species of real animal (spotted hyenas)

2It is a ripoff

3The characters are bland, generic and all-around cliche. Possibly too derivative of other animated movies

4Mufasa's death is nothing to cry over

5It is a boring movie

6The songs are annoying and overrated

7It spawned an awful new spin-off series, The Lion Guard

8There are way better movies than The Lion King

9It is anti-feminist

10Simba was a brat

11The Circle of Life is the protagonists' way of justifying killing and other bad acts.

12Its success is completely unfair to other movies, and people treat other movies like trash, especially if they're less successful as The Lion King (or "not as good" as the fans say)

13It's for kids

14The Lion King inherited the flaws of all other animated movies and made them worse

15Pumbaa's fart jokes don't fit the "epic" tone of the film

16Scar is the most overrated villain ever

17There are better Disney movies

18The story wasn't very good

19The characters are not true to their real species

20It completely overshadows all other animated movies

21Simba was snooty

22It is fascist propaganda

23The story is everything but unique

24Stereotypical depiction of animals

25Timon is annoying

26Too dark and edgy for a G-rated Disney film about animals

27It glorifies bullying and discrimination

28Too many stereotypes about hyenas

29It is controversial

30The characters were pretty shallow

31Bunga is in it

32It attracts a lot of bad people into the fandom

33Unwanted sequels and spinoffs

34It has the most annoying comic-relief side characters ever

35It contains sexual scenes