Top 10 Reasons Ash Should End with Misty Instead of Serena

1She and Ash Have Better Chemistry

She and Ash Have Better Chemistry

2She's Saved Ash Life


3She Was Ash's Longest Female Companion

She Was Ash

4She Was the First to Travel with Ash

She Was the First to Travel with Ash

5She Became Really Jealous When Other Girls Got Too Close to Ash

She Became Really Jealous When Other Girls Got Too Close to Ash

6She Always Calls Ash Out Whenever He Does Something Stupid

She Always Calls Ash Out Whenever He Does Something Stupid

7She's the Strongest Out of All of Ash's Female Companions

8She Gave Up Staying with Rudy to Continue Traveling with Ash

She Gave Up Staying with Rudy to Continue Traveling with Ash

9She's a Gym Leader

10She Didn't Become a Trainer Just to Travel with Ash

11Ash's Showed More Affection Towards Misty Than Serena

12She Showed Up at Ash's House to Welcome Him Home When He Returned from Hoenn

13Her and Ash's Relationship Wasn't Forced

14Ash Only Shows Jealousy for Misty

15She Becomes Really Considerate Whenever Something Bad Happens to Ash

She Becomes Really Considerate Whenever Something Bad Happens to Ash

16Celebi Showed Up When Misty Kissed Him

17Misty is the Only One of His Female Companions Who He Has Ever Talked About After She Left

18She More Badass

19She Cares More About Her Pokémon Than Serena

20Ash Was More Sad After She Left

21She is Prettier Than Serena

22She Helped Ash to Become a Better Trainer

23Misty Isn't Clingy Like Serena

24Misty Has More in Common with Ash

25She's More Useful

26She Has More Character

27Ash Showed Jealousy When She Was with Other Guys

28She is There for Him When He Needs Her

29She Visits Ash in Alola and in Other Regions

30She's not Useless

31She is Very Athletic

32She's Not Obsessed with Ash, Unlike Serena