Top Ten Ways to Get Kicked Out of an Amusement Park

1Smuggle in fireworks, and light them in the middle of the park. Right before they go off, yell "Death To (Country Park Is In)!"

Smuggle in fireworks, and light them in the middle of the park. Right before they go off, yell "Death To (Country Park Is In)!"

2Once you enter the park, pull out a tranquilizer gun, and shoot the people who want to take your picture once you enter with it.

3Once you get into a roller coaster, smuggle rocks on (the bigger, the better), and start to throw them at people walking around.

4Before you leave, put pennies down at one of the roller coaster tracks.

Before you leave, put pennies down at one of the roller coaster tracks.

5Run a vehicle of some sort into a track

6Walk into one of the gift shops, and begin to spray paint all the merchandise.

7Whilst in a long line, bring a torch with you, and threaten to burn anyone who doesn't let you cut them.

Whilst in a long line, bring a torch with you, and threaten to burn anyone who doesn

8Smuggle gum into the park. Then, chew the gum for just a little bit, and start to stick it on the roller coasters.

9Put large amounts of acid in a wave pool

10Abuse one of the mascots by doing physical damage to them.

11Film on a roller coaster

12Scream ALLAHU AKBAR during a ride

13Watch porn and masturbate

14Eat poop in front of everyone

15Beat up all the mascots in the park

16Bring Godzilla in the park

Bring Godzilla in the park

17Strip off all your clothes

18Bring in every single illegal drug in the park and sell it to the mascots

Bring in every single illegal drug in the park and sell it to the mascots



20Take Beer on a Boat Ride and pour it in the water

21Purposely drop your hat over a fence the climb it while videotaping yourself

22Beat up park employee for declining you from riding a roller coaster

23Bringing Trump to the park and hurt all the Mexicans

Bringing Trump to the park and hurt all the Mexicans

24Throw a ball at all the mascots

Throw a ball at all the mascots

25Put a middle finger to the on ride camera then demand to get that picture for free after the ride

26Go on a ride for under 5, break the seat.

27Make a bomb threat

28Act like a wild animal

29Burn everything with a flamethower

Burn everything with a flamethower

30Assault little kids

Assault little kids

31Bring a gun to the park

Bring a gun to the park

32Cut In Line

33Stand up on a ride while it's in motion

34Make inappropriate gestures

35Abuse the employees