Top 10 Most Annoying Things Teachers Do

1Give out lots of homework

Give out lots of homework

2Say that the whole class is in trouble because one person did something

3Give out homework over the weekend

Give out homework over the weekend

4Make you show your work

5Call on you when no one else answers

6Tell the entire class "I'm just gonna sit here until you're quiet" and then give a 40 min emotional and spiritual speech about how the class is wasting time

7Call on you for an answer when you didn't raise your hand

8Lose your work that you hand in, then make you redo it.

9Give you homework on a lesson you haven't learned yet

10Keep the students in the classroom until they say they can leave

11Call your parents over something simple

12Simply repeat the directions when you don't understand the assignment

13Think you always have a attitude even when you don't

14Think they are always right

15Ban talking like it's a sin

Ban talking like it

16Cry on their jobs

Cry on their jobs

17Make due dates too early

18Make boring jokes

19Get a 100% percent on a grade and they mark you down to a F

Get a 100% percent on a grade and they mark you down to a F

20Be boring

21Assign group work and put a sensible student with a group of idiots

Assign group work and put a sensible student with a group of idiots

22Talk about their life story

23Call your parents because you did something bad

24Keep you after the bell

25When in 8th grade when people are having trouble with work they say "you're almost in high school" as an excuse not to help them

When in 8th grade when people are having trouble with work they say "you

26Kiss up when the principal is in the room

27Make you complete all your work before going to the bathroom

28Yell at you for one little thing

Yell at you for one little thing

29Show favoritism towards other kids

30Send you to detention

Send you to detention

31Force you to do unnecessary assignments after you complete your work

32Mess with kids

33Treat you like a baby

Treat you like a baby

34Tell you to mind your own business when they don't mind their own business

35Take the bully's side

Take the bully