Top 10 Most Annoying Things About Metal Music

1Everyone Accuses It of Being Satanic

2Beat Changes

3You Have To Listen To Every Song A Lot To Really Appreciate It

4Lazy Syllabic Arrangements

5Bands Who are Mistakenly Called Metal Bands

6Repetitive Albums

7Unintelligible Growls

8Too Much Snare Drum

9Offbeat Drums

10Lack of Hooks

11Boring Hooks

12Subgenres that are Mistakenly Called Metal Subgenres

13People Making Metal Genres Based Upon Lyrical Themes

14Bands and Subgenres that are Barely Metal

15Shaming Every Other Genre

16Rap and Dance Beats Mixed with Metal

17Weak Growls

18Evil and Murderous Black Metal Bands

19Blast Beats for More Than 10-15 Seconds Without Beat Changes

20Several Metal Songs Have Forced Cursing Just for the Sake of Making It Sound Metal


22Unreadable Band Logos

23Calling Each Other "Posers"

24Typical Annoying Fanbases

25The Fans

26Glam Metal

Glam Metal

27Mixing It with Hip Hop

28Brutal Vocals

29The Low-Pitched Voices

30Cymbals Overuse

31Nu Metal

32Off Sync Singing

33Power Metal

34Bands that Don't Believe in What They Sing About

35People Who Think that Metal Should Be Made in Only One Way