Worst Villain Cliches

1Wanting to rule over something

2Evil laugh

Evil laugh

3Falling to their death

Falling to their death

4Extremely deep voice

5Being crazy

6Bad childhood

7Henchmen with low intelligence

8They give the heroes enough time to survive

9The killer is thought to be dead but really isn't

10They believe what they're doing is right

They believe what they

11The villain has an easy-to-escape death trap

12Calling people "fools"

13Dark clothing

14"You will die"

15Naturally evil

Naturally evil

16Killing their own henchmen

17Being an animal that is commonly stereotyped as a villain

18Wants to kill everyone or destroy the world

19They talk rather than kill

20Hates the protagonist more than he hates anyone else

21Looking more effeminate or androgynous than the hero

22They watch over the protagonists with a magic orb

23They smoke

24They are a family member of the hero

25Associated with darkness

26Having a scary speech in the climax

27Wears a longer coat than the hero

28Being bloodthirsty

29Having a species of animal as henchmen

30Has longer hair than the hero

31They are very good at vocabulary