Most Emotional Fullmetal Alchemist Moments

1Maes Hughes's Death

2Trisha Elric's Death

3Nina Tucker's Death

Nina Tucker

4Alphonse Elric's Belief of Being Alchemically Created

5Wrath's Identity

6The Ishbal Massacre

7Edward's Inability to Defend Winry When Barry the Chopper Attacks

8Winry's Parents' Murder

9Ed finds Al's body

10Greed'™s Death

11Ed and Al Being Trapped On Earth

12Envy's death


13Von Hohenheim expressing his wish to continue living in his last moments

14Ed Refuses Hohenheims Sacrifice

15Ed's Death

16Lust's Painful Memories About Scar and Stuff

17Lusts Death Scene

18Death of Lujon and Lydia (2003)