Top Ten Reasons Why The Legend of Zelda is Better Than Super Mario Bros.

1Ocarina of Time is the best Nintendo game ever

Ocarina of Time is the best Nintendo game ever

2Not as many annoying characters

3Better boss fights

4Ganondorf is much more evil than bowser

5Has a different plot every game

6You get to ride a horse

7More things you can do in the game

8The games are simple but not easy

9More badass powers and items

10There are more possibilities

11Better fight mechanics

12Zelda is not as annoying as Peach

13Better graphics

14Better powers

15Darker storyline

16Bowser is weaker than Ganon

17Link is a greater and better hero than Mario

18More memorable characters

19Link is stronger than Mario

20The "worst" Zelda games are among the greatest games of all time

21Mario is too easy

22Cooler music

23Link is cooler than Mario

24It's for a more mature audience

25Link is handsome

26More open world

27Link is taller than Mario

28Zelda has more mystery

29Mario is a plumber while Link is an elven warrior

30The overall timeline makes sense

31Cooler side quests

32More fun to play

33Mario has slavery

34More replay value

35Better views