Top 10 Minecraft Enchantment Ideas

1Frost (Bows and Crossbows)

2Double Jump (Boots)

3Boomerang (Bows and Crossbows)

4Return (Shields)

5Fire Touch (Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe)

6Zero-Gravity (Bows and Crossbows)

7Timber (Axes)

8Vampire (Swords and Axes)

9Stomp (Boots)

10Aqua Aspect (Swords and Axes)

11Reach (Sword)

12Range (Lightning Rod)

13Explosive Defense (Chestplate)

14Mercy (Sword, Axe)

15Zoom (Spyglass)

16Counter Attack (Shield)

17Fangs (Chestplate)

18Metal Detector (Pickaxe)

19Aqua Efficiency (Pickaxe and Shovel)

20Steadfast (Max III)

21Decimate (Sword and Axe)

22Creeper (Armor)

23Bond of Death (Chestplate)

24Bond of Death (Sword Axe)

25Bond of Regret (Sword, Axe)

26Hot or Cold (Pickaxe)

27Tsunami (Swords and Axes)

28Decapitator (Sword and Axe)

29Elementalize (Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel)

30Sunder (Sword)