Top Ten Things Pokemon Genwunners Say

1Charizard is the best Pokemon ever

Charizard is the best Pokemon ever

2Mewtwo is the strongest Pokemon ever

Mewtwo is the strongest Pokemon ever

3Generation 5 has the worst Pokemon designs

4They're really running out of ideas

5They really should've stopped making games after the first ones

6Pokemon Yellow was a gift from God

7I remember when Legendary Pokemon, were actually legendaries

8I can't keep up with all these new Pokemon

9Pokemon today are nothing but inanimate objects

10They'll never make a Pokemon game as good as the first ones

11Pokemon Red is the best game ever

12Only the first 151 are original because they were made first, so nothing else is Pokémon

13Gen 1 is the best Pokemon gen ever

14Ludicolo, really, how racist! Jynx clearly wasn't racist. It's a shame

15Wait? People evolve their Eevees, not with a thunder, fire, or water stone

16Fairy Type? What's that?

17Everything after Gen 1 sucks

18No one hates fans of gen 1 My Little Pony, so leave gen 1 fans of Pokemon alone or else.

19Any Pokemon past Gen 1 isn't even a Pokemon

20It's not nostalgia, it's a fact

21The word genwunners is cyber-bullying

22Stop moaning because you didn't grow up when it was popular

23You watched Teletubbies or The Tweenies in the 90s not Pokemon

24The new Pokemon looks a lot like Digimon, just see Zeraora, Palkia, Dialga, Delphox, Incineroar, almost all the Pokemon from gen 5 and much, much more

25Why are HMS gone. I miss the good old inconvenience of teaching my Charizard 'cut'

26Are you allowed to take a Pokemon card to school?

27Original usually is the best. Did you know the movie Doogal is based on an older TV Show 60s-70s called The Magic Roundabout

28Cave of Zubats

29Sorry we liked Pokémon in the 90s

30Fletching is such a boring bird pokemon, I mean, so is Pidgey. Pidgey, however is from gen 1 so he gets a free pass

31Ever since Gen 5 of pokemon, Digimon won't stop phone calling Game Freak so it can keep it's original ideas

32Gen 5 is literally filled with trubbish. OMG Muk is the best

33It sucks that Gen 4 brought unneeded evolutions to gen 1 classics, like Lickitung and Tangela.

34No Pikachu clone will ever top the original

35Misty is the only one of his female companions who he has ever talked about after she left