Top 10 Funniest Signs Around the World

1Drive slow & see our city. Drive fast & see our jail.

Drive slow & see our city. Drive fast & see our jail.

2You'll Never Get to Work on Time Haha!!


3Don't drink and drive. You will only spill it.


4Drop your pants here and you will receive prompt attention

Drop your pants here and you will receive prompt attention

525mph Pee Limit

25mph Pee Limit

6Always Open: Closed

Always Open: Closed

7PLEASE BE SAFE. Do not stand, sit, climb or lean on fences. If you fall, animals could eat you and that might make them sick. Thank you.

PLEASE BE SAFE. Do not stand, sit, climb or lean on fences. If you fall, animals could eat you and that might make them sick. Thank you.

8Welcome to DULL. Paired with Boring, Oregon, USA. Drive Safely

Welcome to DULL. Paired with Boring, Oregon, USA. Drive Safely

9Welcome to Accident

Welcome to Accident

10If you hit this sign, you will hit that bridge

If you hit this sign, you will hit that bridge

11BEWARE! Wild Animals/Children

BEWARE! Wild Animals/Children

12No Signs Allowed

No Signs Allowed

13TOUCHING WIRES CAUSES INSTANT DEATH. $200 FINE. Newcastle Tramway Authority

WIRES CAUSES INSTANT DEATH. $200 FINE. Newcastle Tramway Authority

14Slow Children at Play. Hunting with Shotgun Only

Slow Children at Play. Hunting with Shotgun Only

15Emergency Phone: 174 kilometers ahead

Emergency Phone: 174 kilometers ahead

16Welcome to Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!

Welcome to Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!

17Chiropractic Clinic HEALTH WARNING!!! When the Aliens land, they may eat the FAT humans first!

Chiropractic Clinic HEALTH WARNING!!! When the Aliens land, they may eat the FAT humans first!

18Entering Dildo

Entering Dildo

19Drunken People Crossing

Drunken People Crossing

20! Sudden Gunfire

! Sudden Gunfire

21Don't Let Worries Kill You. Let The Church Help


22WARNING! Feed A Pigeon, Lose A Finger

WARNING! Feed A Pigeon, Lose A Finger

23Drive Carefully. Hospital 250 km ahead

24Caution. This Sign Has Sharp Edges. Do Not Touch the Edges of This Sign. Also, the Bridge is Out Ahead

Caution. This Sign Has Sharp Edges. Do Not Touch the Edges of This Sign. Also, the Bridge is Out Ahead

25Welcome to INTERCOURSE. Lancaster county, Pennsylvania

Welcome to INTERCOURSE. Lancaster county, Pennsylvania

26Your in America. Speak English.

Your in America. Speak English.

27Baby Changing Station. Max. Weight Limit: 250 lb.

Baby Changing Station. Max. Weight Limit: 250 lb.

28Welcome to Boring, Oregon

Welcome to Boring, Oregon

29Drive Carefully. No Hospital. 3 Cemeteries

30Parking Lot Under Police Surveillance. San Antonio Park Police. Do Not Leave Valuables In Vehicle

Parking Lot Under Police Surveillance. San Antonio Park Police. Do Not Leave Valuables In Vehicle

31Any persons except players caught collecting golf balls will be prosecuted and have their balls removed

32Butt Drugs, Inc.

Butt Drugs, Inc.

33Dumb Woman'™s Lane

Dumb Woman

34Wash & Vacuum Senior Citizens $15.95

Wash & Vacuum Senior
Citizens $15.95

35Ragged Ass Rd

Ragged Ass Rd