Top 10 Coolest Facts about the Planet Mars

1Mars has the largest mountain in our solar system

Mars has the largest mountain in our solar system

2Mars has the largest canyon in our solar system

Mars has the largest canyon in our solar system

3There is water on Mars

There is water on Mars

4On Mars, sunsets are blue

On Mars, sunsets are blue

5Mars might eventually get rings

Mars might eventually get rings

6You can grow asparagus and turnips on Mars

You can grow asparagus and turnips on Mars

7You would weigh less than half your weight on Mars

You would weigh less than half your weight on Mars

8A year on Mars is almost twice as long as a year on earth

A year on Mars is almost twice as long as a year on earth

9Tuesday is the Day of Mars

Tuesday is the Day of Mars

10There are pieces of Mars on earth

There are pieces of Mars on earth

11Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system

12Mars has 2 moons

Mars has 2 moons

13Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury

14It has a calendar, the Darian calendar

15Mars has a thin atmosphere

16There is a place called Cydonia

17Mars is the most explored planet besides Earth

18The temperature on a summer day can reach 20°C

19Days on Mars are longer than on Earth