Top 10 Best Signature Moves in WWE History

1John Cena's 5 Knuckle Shuffle

2Randy Orton's RKO

3HBK's Sweet Chin Music

4Roman Reigns' Super Man Punch

5John Cena's Attitude Adjustment

6Undertaker's Last Ride

7Jeff Hardy's Whisper In The Wind

8Ric Flair's Figure 4 Leg Lock

9Undertaker's Tombstone

10Undertaker's Old School

11Shawn Michael's Elbow

12John Morrison's Shooting Star Press

13Triple H's Spine Buster

14Chris Jericho's Walls of Jericho

15Seth Rollins's Curbstomp

16Steve Austin's Stone Cold Stunner

17Randy Orton's Back to Back Backbreaker

18The Rock's Rock Bottom

19Chris Jericho's Lionsault

20Triple H's Pedigree

21Edge's Edgucation

22Goldberg's Spear

23Undertaker's Hells Gate

24Undertaker's Choke Slam

25Daniel Bryan's Surfboard

26Sheamus's Brogue Kick

27Chris Masters' Master Lock

28Alberto Del Rio's Step Up Enzuigiri

29Batistas Spine Buster

30Kane's Lariat Punch From the Turnbuckle

31Rey Mysterio's 619

32Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb

33Dean Ambrose's Dirty Deeds

34Kofi Kingston's Boom Drop

35Jeff Hardy's Twist of Fate