Top 10 Dumbest Things to Do When You're Bored

1Jump out a window and say, I believe I could fly

2Read this list

3Play with kitchen knives

4Go to your parents with the stupidest face you can and say "I'm a little uni-corn" in the most farmer voice you can

5Use tablets as swords

6Jump out of moving cars

7Drive into a helicopter with a sports car

8Join ISIS

9Use a broom and then jump out a window

10Open the plane emergency exit door in flight



12Use a hammer to create a new version of Wrecking Ball

13Climb a tree and try to fly

14Eat feces

Eat feces

15Defecate out of the window.

16Eat 5 peacocks then jump into your tv and break it

17Set fire to your hair

18Listen to a Justin Bieber song

19Pee on your grandma


21Use a lamp as a firefighter pole

22Spray a full can of deodorant in your room and go to sleep

23Watch Big Brother

Watch Big Brother

24Play with your sisters toys

25Go On TheTopTens

26Swim then electrocute yourself


28Fashion parade inside

29Jump as a kangaroo on a glass table

30Vandalize Wikipedia

31Play with action figures... Out the window!


33Play with your mom's perfume

34Jump out the window using an umbrella

