Best Marvel vs DC Comics Superhero/Supervillain Face Offs

1Iron Man vs Batman

2Quicksilver vs Flash

3Hulk vs Superman

4Superman vs Thor

5Black Widow vs Wonder Woman

6Batman vs Captain America

7Gambit vs Nightwing

8Hulk vs Doomsday

9Batman vs Wolverine

10Galactus vs Spectre

11Iron Man vs Cyborg

12Shazam vs Hulk

13Spiderman vs Joker

14Hawkeye vs Green Arrow

15Wolverine vs Green Lantern

16Cyclops vs Ares

17Silver Surfer vs Dr. Manhattan

18Deadpool vs Deathstroke

19Batman vs Moon Knight

20Green Arrow vs Hawk Eye

21Loki vs The Joker

22Apocalypse vs General Zod

23Bucky Barnes vs Robin

24Thor vs Robin

25Wonder Woman vs Thor

26Joker vs Green Goblin

27Superman vs Sentry

28Green Lantern vs Spider-man

29Deadpool vs Lobo

30Thor vs. Captain America

31Supergirl vs She-Hulk

32Juggernaut vs Bane

33Martian Manhunter vs Sleepwalker

34Killer Croc vs The Hulk

35Captain America vs Batman