Top 10 Differences Between Pokemon Red/Blue and Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen

1Charizard can't learn any Flying type moves in Red, but can in FireRed

2Pokemon FireRed has Dark and Steel types, Pokemon Red didn't

3The starter Pokemon can learn some moves faster in FireRed than in Red

4Psychic type Pokemon are immune to Ghost type Pokemon in Red while Psychic type Pokemon are weak to Ghost type Pokemon in FireRed

5A couple of moves had near endless critical hits in Red, but in Fire Red those moves had a critical hit once in a while

6Charizard was weak to Ice type moves in Red, but in Fire Red Charizard is neutral

7You have more to do in FireRed than Red

8There's a VS Seeker in FireRed, there's none in Red

9The graphics are easier to see in FireRed than in Red

10In FireRed, you get to catch some generation 2 Pokemon, in Red there's only generation 1 Pokemon