Top 10 Biggest Problems With Super Mario Party

1Lack of content

Lack of content

2It gets old quickly

It gets old quickly

3Lacks a proper identity

Lacks a proper identity

4Overly complicated to choose your COM players

Overly complicated to choose your COM players

5Forgettable soundtrack

6Bad online mode

Bad online mode

7Recieved no DLC

Recieved no DLC

8Few and boring boards

Few and boring boards

9It played too safe

10Can't be played in handheld mode


11Stars only cost 10 coins

Stars only cost 10 coins

12Lack of 50 Turn Mode

13Horrible name

14Bringing back the old formula

15No Miis

16People sometimes get hit when they do not touch anything bad

17No rewards

No rewards

18Too easy

Too easy

19Toad and Toadette are unplayable because they are the hosts of the game

20Bowser is playable

21Birdo is unplayable

22No minigame mini stars

23No boss minigames